Brilliant list and most of these are inherently part of authentic Italian cooking. 💪❤️🇮🇹 I restacked this in notes!

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Thank you. Our western society has strayed from what generations before us did. And I think Italian cooking still continues to respect food as per those older traditions which comes across in healthy eating.

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Thanks for sharing these tips! I love the advice to keep it simple and have a list.

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Certain grocery stores like Walmart and Kroger will discount meat if it's about to reach it's freeze by date—i recently bought organic chicken from Walmart and wild caught salmon from Kroger for really cheap (I think each salmon filet was like $3)! If I'm not using them that day, I freeze them immediately. I can't believe all grocery stores don't do this! Saves waste and helps the customer—win win.

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Oh that’s a good tip. Especially with the cost of meat these days.

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